
OSS Watch, supported by Jisc, has conducted the National Software Survey roughly every two years since 2003. The survey studies the status of open and closed source software in both Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE) institutions in the UK. OSS Watch is a non-advocacy information service covering free and open source software. We do not necessarily advocate the adoption of free and open source software. We do however advocate the consideration of all viable software solutions - free or constrained, open or closed - as the best means of achieving value for money during procurement.

Throughout this report the term “open source” is used for brevity’s sake to indicate both free software and open source software.


We would like to thank Jisc for supporting the work on this study, in particular Matthew Dovey and Tom Mitchell. We would also like to thank the IT directors of the FE and HE institutions, who took the time to respond to the survey and send feedback to us.



2013 Survey Report - Cover

Download the PDF of the report