When software code is written, property is created. The owner of that property may license it for use by others. Such licensing may be part of a business plan to capitalize on the intellectual property of the software. These resources explore issues around intellectual property rights, patent law, open source software licences and more.
Briefing Notes
- Open Source Development - An Introduction to Ownership and Licensing Issues
- Making your code available under an open source licence
- Can you contribute code to an open source project?
- App stores and openness
- Free and open source software in mobile devices
- Software Patents
- Free and open source software and your patents
- Dual Licensing as a business model
- Open Standards and Open Source
- What kind of licence should I choose?
- Contributor Licence Agreements
- The Apache License v2 - An Overview
- Common Public Attribution License - An Overview
- Creative Commons and Open Content
- European Union Public Licence - An Overview
- The Eclipse Public License - An Overview
- The GNU General Public License v3 - An Overview
- GPL v3 - What’s New?
- GNU Affero General Public License v3 - An Overview
- The GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 - An Overview
- The GNU General Public License v2 - An Overview
- The Mozilla Public Licence version 2 - An Overview
- The Mozilla Public License v 1.1 - An Overview
- The Modified BSD License - An Overview