Earlier events in which OSS Watch participated. See also our presentations
- TransferSummit: open innovation, development and collaboration - Oxford, 24-25 June 2010
- Apache Wookie (Incubating) Training day - Oxford, 11 February 2010
- Open Source, Open Development, Open Innovation Workshop - Oxford, 7 December 2009
- Open Development: Building an Engaged Community Workshop - Oxford, 7 December 2009
- Engaging Developers with Open Source Projects Workshop - Oxford, 9 October 2009
- Business and Sustainability Models Around Free and Open Source Software Workshop - Oxford, 12 January 2009
- Community Building Workshop - Oxford, 20 October 2008
- Risk Management in Open Source Procurement - Oxford, 18 March 2008
- 17-20 October 2005 O’Reilly’s European Open Source Convention, Amsterdam
- 10 October 2005 Digital Preservation and Asset Management and Digital Repositories: JISC Joint Programmes Meeting, Glasgow
- 12 October 2005 AoC NILTA Annual Technical Conference, York
- 12 September 2005 OSS Watch Advisory Committee meeting
- 15-16 August 2005 MoodleMoot, Oxford
- 6-8 July 2005 Institutional Web Management Workshop 2005: Whose Web Is It Anyway?, Manchester
- 4 July 2005 Building Open Source Communities, Edinburgh
- 29 June 2005 29 June 2005, TASI seminar: Effective Use of Digital Images in Education Resources, Bristol
- 21-24 June 2005 EUNIS 2005 - Leadership and Strategy in a Cyber-Infrastructure World, Manchester
- 23 June 2005 Oxford IT Support Staff Conference, Oxford
- 23 June 2005 RSC East Midlands e-learning Fair, Derby
- 16 June 2005 RSC Yorkshire & Humberside elearning conference
- 15 June 2005 RSC London and Eastern, The Open Source Software Roadshow, London
- 26 May 2005 Open source perspectives from the UK, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
- 24 May 2005 Open Source Software in Education Workshop, Macquarie University E-Learning Centre of Excellence (MELCOE), Australia
- 23 May 2005 Open source perspectives from the UK, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
- 19 May 2005 Introduction to open source software, Software Libre conference, Universidade Nacional de Timor Leste, Dili, East Timor
- 28-29 April 2005 AURIL (Association of University Research & Industry Links) Spring Conference, Edinburgh
- 12 April 2005 JISC Conference, Birmingham
- 5-6 April 2005 JISC e-Learning Programme Meeting: Framework and Tools and Distributed e-Learning Strands, Birmingham
- 22 March 2005 JISC IPR Consultation Workshop: Rights in Digital Environments
- 16 March 2005 Models of Success, RSC Wales, Cardiff
- 15 March 2005 OSS Watch - RSC Roadshow, hosted by RSC North West
- 15 March 2005 RSC West Midlands Annual Conference, Wolverhampton
- 14-15 March 2005 Coimbra Group workshops on eLearning Quality in eLearning and Open source/Open standards, Edinburgh
- 11 March 2005 RSC London Moodle Regional User Group
- 3 March 2005 JISC IPR Consultation Workshop: Rights in Digital Environments
- 26-27 February 2005 Free and Open Source Developers’ European Meeting (FOSDEM), Brussells
- 24-25 February 2005 UKUUG’s LISA/Winter Conference: Security and Networks, Birmingham
- 24 February 2005 OSS Watch Advisory Committee meeting
- 23 February 2005 OSS Watch - RSC Roadshow, hosted by RSC East Midlands
- 20 January 2005 Open Source: national frameworks
- 13 December 2004 South Yorkshire FE Consortium
- 30 November 2004 Post-16 E-Learning Practitioners’ Conference
- 19 November 2004 Assessing the Role for Free/Open Source Software for European Industry
- 19 November 2004 Bodington Buzz: Introduction to the Bodington VLE System
- 18 November 2004 Open Standards and Libre Software in Government
- 10 November 2004>NILTA Technical SIG
- 20 October 2004 Building Open Source Communities
- 14-15 October 2004 Migrating to open source: interoperability issues
- 12 October 2004 VLE/Intranet Developers Forum - RSC South West
- 24 September 2004 Moodle Specialist User Group - RSC London
- 21-23 September 2004 XML Open 2004
- 15 September 2004 OSS Watch Advisory Committee Meeting